
Cloud Security Management Ostride Labs


Hamish Ostride Labs

Hamish Lister

Senior Content Manager

Hamish is a senior content manager at Ostride Labs. Hamish’s diverse background in technical research, analysis and market demand are the main drivers behind the topics he enjoys exploring and writing about.

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Security and Risk Management in Cloud Computing With Examples

Updated 1 Sep 2022


To improve efficiency and simplify workloads, many firms are moving workloads to the cloud. While cloud computing may provide businesses a competitive edge, it’s crucial to be cautious when implementing it without fully comprehending the hazards and the security risks associated with cloud computing. When relocating activities to these dynamic environments, a company may fail due to a lack of awareness of cloud risks. For example, security risks and protection in online learning is a heavily debated topic due to the personal information at stake.

Unaware of the risks involved, an organization adopting cloud technology and/or selecting cloud service providers’ (CSP) services or apps exposes itself to a variety of business, financial, technical, legal, and compliance hazards. New security difficulties have emerged as a result of the cloud move. Due to the fact that cloud computing services are accessible online, anybody with the appropriate credentials can use them. The accessibility of company data draws a large number of hackers who try to understand the systems, identify their weaknesses, and take advantage of them.  

Accepting and managing risk has always been a key component of security & risk management in security. Its objective is to safeguard your particular corporation against potential risks, not to become the most secure business. But how can you tell when a fresh risk materializes? And with more endpoints to monitor in a cloud environment that is changing quickly, how can you remain on top of this?

Thankfully, the cloud doesn’t merely increase dangers. Additionally, it presents fresh chances for effective risk security management. And while handling risk in the cloud could seem onerous, if done properly, it can really be much more efficient.

In this post, we’ll explain some of the most prominent cyber security risks businesses face across cloud computing areas by exploring security risks examples, and discussing how risk management is different in the cloud and how you can adapt also, illustrated with examples and use cases.


Security risks for websites


You could believe that only well-known websites are being targeted. However, the majority of viruses and malware are automated and they take advantage of any weak areas, no matter how big or tiny. With more website applications and data stored in the cloud, websites are now more vulnerable to attacks than ever. Even for small, everyday tools, such as VPN and security risks, websites should be aware about how people are accessing their site.


Here are some of the most common security risks for businesses websites:


  • Malware


Malicious software is referred to as malware. It is a blanket term for any programme created to interfere with, harm, or obtain illegal access to a system. Malware may spread through a variety of channels, including unintentional USB device insertion and malicious website downloads.


  • Cross-site Scripting


By inserting malicious scripts onto websites, hackers may get around security measures via a vulnerability known as cross-site scripting (XSS). Even though it has been around for a while, XSS still poses a significant danger; in fact, several large corporations have bug reward programmes that include XSS.


  • SQL Injection


When a website form is not protected against different special characters and commands, it may be used by a malicious party to access, modify, or remove data from a database, which is known as a SQL injection. Fortunately, assaults can frequently be stopped with a strong website security policy.


Security risk for businesses


From websites, and cookies and security risks, to an entire security risks enterprise. If your business or some of its primary components are operating in the cloud, these are the main security risks and threats you should be looking out for and trying to defend against if you are currently moving to the cloud.


  • Misconfiguration

A major factor in cloud data breaches is incorrectly configured cloud security settings. The tactics used by many enterprises to maintain their cloud security posture are insufficient for safeguarding their cloud-based infrastructure.

  • Unauthorized Access

In contrast to an organization’s on-site infrastructure, its cloud-based deployments are external to the network perimeter and open to the general public. Although this makes the infrastructure more accessible to users and customers, it also makes it simpler for an attacker to access a company’s cloud-based services without authorization.

  • External Sharing of Data and Security Risks

While data sharing is easier with the cloud, It may potentially pose a serious threat to cloud security. Controlling access to shared resources is challenging when link-based sharing is used, a common choice because it is simpler than individually inviting each intended collaborator. A cybercriminal may guess the shared link, give it to another person, or steal it as part of a cyberattack, giving them access to the shared resource without authorization.


Security risks in software development


There is intense commercial pressure on CIOs and their IT groups to update systems, enhance customer experiences, move apps to the cloud, and automate procedures. Risk assessment security concerns in software development, however, still exist.


  • Insecure API


The external side is crucial since all data transmission enables the service and gives various types of analytics in return. Since APIs are accessible, they pose a serious threat to cloud security. Sometimes the API’s setup falls short of specifications and has serious defects that jeopardize its integrity.

  • Vulnerable web services

Sensitive user and personal data is frequently stored by web services. If the web services are vulnerable, hackers can use them to get access to confidential data or carry out unlawful actions on your website.

  • Software systems not actively being maintained

There are many chances that the software apps have flaws if you are no longer developing them or are just maintained by a small crew. If these flaws are used by hackers to get access to protected data and private information on your server, several security difficulties will result.

In the end, properly establishing security principles and communicating them to software development teams is the key to providing business value while reducing kubernetes security risks in cloud software development.


But what does effective risk management look like for businesses developing and operating in the cloud?


What does effective risk management look like with cloud computing?


An organization’s potential risk in security grows as a result of cloud solutions. They enlarge the purview of audits, monitoring, and risk assessments. Deft risk management of those risks becomes crucial as a result of the cloud’s increased third-party hazards. In order to secure your data, businesses should employ risk security risk assessment techniques and management frameworks as well as privacy and security-by-design principles.


Here are some recommendations for managing cloud computing risk.


  • Depending on how the risk is treated, establish suitable controls.
    The development of reliable data categorization and lifecycle management techniques is a crucial component of risk management. Your service-level agreements (SLAs) should also include procedures for protecting and even wiping data stored in public clouds.
  • Choose your cloud service provider with care (CSP). Perform supplier risk assessments, taking into consideration factors such as contract clarity, ethics, legal liability, viability, security, compliance, availability, and business resilience.
  • Use technical safety and security risks measures. Technical protections, such as a cloud access security broker (CASB), can act as enforcement points for security risk management policies in the cloud or on-premises between customers and cloud service providers.
  • Vendor administration. Many cloud services are subject to security assessments conducted by third parties, such as those mandated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
    To reduce security concerns, think about developing a public cloud strategy that incorporates security standards for appropriate SaaS usage.




The introduction of cloud technologies changed the game for businesses and hackers alike. It introduced a whole new set of security dangers for cloud computing and gave rise to a number of security problems. 

The transition to cloud technology provided businesses with the scale and flexibility they desperately needed to be inventive and competitive in the ever-changing business operations. Enterprise data became exposed to breaches and losses as a result of several circumstances at the same time.

The best method to shield your business from the risk of security breaches and financial and reputational damages is to adhere to the cloud security requirements.



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